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  The Hangar Deck of the Norwegian Ice Breaker, KV Svalbard. 

La cubierta del hangar del Rompehielos noruego, KV Svalbard.
Ang kubyerta ng garahe ng eruplano ng Norwegian Ice Breaker, KV Svalbard.
Ангар Колода норвежской ледокол, К. В. Шпицберген.
नार्वेजियन बर्फ तोड़ने वाला, के.वी. स्वालबार्ड के हैंगर डेक.

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This exhibit was posted on 7-6-2005


Please Note:  The background on this page is an aerial photo of the sea ice near the island of Svalbard, Norway

KV Svalbard breaking ice in the arctic ocean.

Photo by KV Svalbard Crew

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The KV Svalbard breaks a nice path for the Russian ship.  After talking to the XO I was very interested in the fact that the KV Svalbard can break the ice faster when it is going in reverse.  The ship has two high horsepower electric motors in pods under the aft portion of the ship.  The propellers, which were made in Russia from Russian steel, are designed to chop the ice as the ship moves along.  When in a forward motion the ship breaks the ice and then chops it up.  In reverse it chops the ice first then the hull pushes it aside leaving a better path for other ships to follow.




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