Follow your dreams and do what makes you feel
I never
thought that I will write something….because I don’t have talent for this…
but it seems that a person should say never…
.and this would be one of the reasons for which I decided to write! Never say
never! Follow your dreams and do want you want to do! This is a little story
about me and what made me change my way of thinking!
I noticed that, generally, people want a lot of things…… and still they want to
do very much...
It’s natural….but I looked
around more carefully and I have realized that all of them want a lot of things,
they have a lot of dreams but they limited themselves…saying:
“aaaa…. I want to do that thing but… I don’t have money or I don’t have time
or anything else…”, and honestly
speaking, if I look better only a small
percentage of people have those reasons for real and for the others is simply an
excuse !
close to me keep telling that I am not a mature person and they ask me when I am
going to grow up?
The question is what does it
really mean to grow up and what this means for them? To grow up means to limit
at what people believe that is normal? And in this case, do I really want to
grow up?
10 -15 years ago I had 2
To make a skydive jump
To climb Mont Blanc
Yes…I know .. most people
would say: childish dreams ...
Now, at
almost 30 years (28J )…these things should not be so important
I still
remember an article from Knox Magazine (a Romanian magazine about climbing and
mountains). The article’s name was something like this: “On Mont Blanc it smells
like leek (this is a traditional vegetable in Romania)”…..yes…this was it!….
after a long period of Communism a Romanian guy climbed Mont Blanc!
It happened during the period when I started
to climb mountains here in Romania and to read about other mountains. My first
reaction when I’ve seen this article was: “Wow! What a lucky guy! I would
like to do that but I will never reach it! I don’t have experience…, I don’t
have money, etc…No…I will never climb that mountain!” Why I was thinking in
that way? Maybe this was the way I was thinking that learned from those around
me? How do I know that I will never get there??? I was limiting myself??
Yes…this is the truth …I was limiting myself! And also is true that I have
reached my dream after 10 years and 2 attempts…..! In 2007 I’ve climbed Mont
Blanc… and this was the first dream achieved by me. Why I was thinking in that
way? Why I was thinking that I will never reach my dreams?
What would have happened if I had stopped
dreaming and if I let the first thought and idea of the others to guide me? They
were saying that it is too expensive and too dangerous, etc? I am a little
confused: When I was immature? In the moment when I was convinced that I cannot
reach my dreams and I was finding excuses like is dangerous or too expensive
….or now I am immature… when I am dreaming. I believe in my dreams and I have
the courage to believe that they will become real?
happened the same with another dream of mine….when I was around 14 years old,
I wanted very much to make Parachute jump and to become a sky diver . Due to
the fact that I was too little and it was in the next period to the Communist
regime it was really impossible for me to do that! Also, it was really
complicated after I’ve reached the legal age …so …
time has passed and I stopped to dream of
this….but…. after almost 15 years fate
has given me the opportunity to do a jump from an perfectly good airplane J….and
now, after doing this I am the happiest person alive! And now I’ m wondering:

If I was thinking like a
mature person (in someone’s perception ) and I was refusing to jump because I am
28 years old and at this age a normal person should think of another thing and
not jumping from perfectly good airplane, I should really know what happiness
really means? People! Please! ….Don‘t be limited! If you have reached an
age…this doesn’t mean that you must renounce at your dreams! That you have to
stop dreaming only to prove the others that you have grown up and that you are
mature and normal person!
If your
dreams don’t come true it is only because you don’t really want that! Because
you don’t do everything that is possible to achieve them! ,, because you put
false limits….; you will always find excuses…..but I am sure that you know
that there are only excuses.
I know
that this seems tough but this is the truth! Please think at what is the best
choice for you! What you really want and take in consideration that we have only
one life and it is pity to arrive at “one age” when we will regret that we
haven’t done this or that …or even that we haven’t tried to do it!
Let’s be serious, let’s stop
telling lies to ourselves and stop finding excuses for not achieving our dreams!
If we really want to do something we can! It only depends on us!
Now, to be more convincing, I
will show you how much a dream brought me that became reality …a dream that in
one period of my life became only a stupid child memory… and because I am really
lucky I have realized what I could lose due to a simple fact of renouncing to a
child’s dream!

Yes…you will not believe … a child’s dream that became reality made me to feel
better than ever and gave me the opportunity to try feelings that nothing else
could offer me in 28 years.
Everything started with the
first jump: You will ask yourselves how a jump can change your life and your way
to be, your way of thinking!
How the first jump was, and
what feeling I had?
First jump – a tandem one!
1. Lack of patience…. I have
never been so eager…you can realize…I was expecting this for 15 years…
2. Fear? No…not at all….
(Maybe the forward was so big that I couldn’t feel the fear?)
First steps: you put the
harness on, the instructor explains to you what you have to do, etc …but…I
couldn’t give attention to anything…I was waiting for the jump! THAT JUMP!
I am in the plane’s door
and…suddenly I am on the ground telling everybody that I want to do it again
that I want to be again, there! In the clouds!
This was
the first jump and the beginning of everything J (many thanks to my instructor
that made me to love this sport J )! A guess!… who was on the drop zone next
weekend even that the weather was bad? J Yes…it is not so hard! The answer is:
ME J! It was raining but I was there, waiting… because you never know…and this
was a good choice because I have done the
second jump and after that the third
one! I am again on the ground: yes! Yes, now I really know this means to be
alive, to dream and to let your dream become true! yes…I am in love….you will
never believe but for more than 2 hours I had a huge smile on my face…a smile
that nothing and nobody could take from me... I was for the first time in my
life really happy – I have realized what it means that – this was the first
feeling that I had never had before/
I started the school because I wanted to take my license. I started the course
again with a tandem jump…
Here appears another feeling, I really don’t know if it is only one feeling or a
combination of feelings.
An overwhelming fear combined
with a natural calm.
(Yes,, I know,, you will say
that this can’t exist….you cannot be scared and calm in the same time…! I can
understand you because this would have been my answer before feeling that: I am
speaking about a very strong feeling but also a strange one…: I was very calm
because I have already done this thing 3 times and everything was ok but.. I was
still afraid….very afraid…. (But, even in this moment, I cannot understand why
,,it was my 4th tandem jump and I knew that it is very easy);
Hmmmmm…….yes….I was calm and
in the same time I was very, very scared…but the strongest feeling on this jump
was when I’ve managed to get over it and after that followed: free fall,
freedom, flying…yes I want this again and again…and again….:) !
The next one is my first AFF
jump (almost alone: during the free fall 2 instructors helps you to maintain the
stabile position and after that…alone….). Yes….another new feeling! happiness,
fear, calm, emotions I really don’t know what I felt…
I put my parachute on me…, I
am very agitated, I asked everybody what should I do (even that I know very well
all the steps of the jump), I make a lot of exercises for finding the ripcord. …
I am
nervous…yes! It is clear it is a feeling of agitation…or.. no, no no! I am
calm…or…no…I really don’t know what I am feeling! I am very calm because I have
done this before and I know what it means, also I have near me the best
instructors from Romania (with more than 6500 jumps) but…still I am a little
agitated…hmmm ….
I am doing the first steps to
the plane…hmm…I want to cry but I don’t know why! I’m afraid? I am nervous? Or,
I just want to cry because one of my biggest dreams will become true? Because it
is the first time when I am doing a jump with my own parachute?
Yes…again a combination of feelings and questions, now I see all my live…in
front of my eyes….
I am afraid, I am nervous but
in the same time I am the happiest person alive!
Helped by the instructors at
3000 meters I became very calm;
All this feelings: agitation,
fear and also all the questions have disappeared and all of them became another
feeling: reconciliation with myself…!
Now, you can see how many
feelings in the same place.. in such a short time!

I have
jumped! I am in free fall everything is ok, I am stable…I am so happy….happy
happy…. happy, but something goes wrong: I’m not very stable anymore… but
finally I open the parachute in stable position and everything is ok now.. but I
m very disappointed
I am
again on the ground, and very disappointed because not everything went as I
wanted.. but in the same time I am satisfied! Again you can see…confusing
And this was the way in which
I have started to feel something that I have never felt before…not in this way,
not with thin intensity…!
Now I’m really in love with
the sky, with the jumps, with the flying…I loved everything!
What would have happened if I
had decided to grow up and stop having “childish dreams”? I should ever have
been so happy? Is this the time when I have to renounce to my dreams only to
demonstrate to the others that I have grown up? Do I want this??
I don’t think so…; If
renouncing to do something that makes you happy and what makes you smile means
to be mature…no…thank you very much but I prefer to remain a child…
To dream and to fight for
making my dreams to become reality! This is what I want and what makes me happy!
This is everything - to follow your dreams and to do what makes you feel
If a family makes you fulfilled….do it! If you want a lot of children start
working on this! If you want a caravan instead of a house…this doesn’t means
that you are a looser…follow your dream…make what you want! Fight for your
dreams…live your live as you believe and feel! This means to be really alive: to
be able to smile anytime and to be satisfied of what you have done, what you are
doing and what you dream to do!
Urmeaza-ti visele si fa ceea ce te face
sa te simti implinit!
Nu credeam sa ma apuc vreodata sa scriu…mai ales ca nu am talent pt asa ceva ….dar
se pare ca niciodata nu trebuie sa zici niciodata! si asta ar fi si unul din
motivele pt care m-am hotarat sa scriu. Niciodata nu zice niciodata! Urmeaza-ti
visele si fa ceea ce te face sa te simti implinit!.....Aceasta este o mica
poveste despre mine si ceea ce m-a facut sa imi schimb modul de a gandi!
Am remarcat ca in general oamenii isi doresc lucruri….. si inca foarte multe….!
E firesc…dar m-am uitat mai atent in jur si am vazut ca toti isi doresc multe,
viseaza la multe dar isi pun singuri limite zicand:
“aaa vreau si eu sa fac lucrul acela
dar nu am cum pt ca nu am bani, sau nu am timp..sau….orice altceva”
si sincer vorbind daca ma uit mai bine doar o mica parte din ei au cu adevarat
aceste motive, pentru ceilalti fiind simple scuze….
Mi se tot spune ca nu sunt matura…….ca visez prea mult….si ma tot intreaba lumea
cand am de gand sa ma maturizez….
Oare vreau sa ma maturizez? Oare ce inseamna sa te maturizezi? Inseamna sa te
limitezi la ceea ce cei din jur considera ca e normal?
Acum 10-15 ani aveam 2 vise…..:
1. Sa ajung pe
Mont Blanc
2. Sa sar cu parasuta
Da …stiu…vise de copil ar spune unii….acum, la aproape 30 de ani nu ar trebui sa
mai conteze aceste lucruri.....
Imi amintesc si acum un articol din Knox magazine care se numea cam asa: "Pe
Mont Blanc miroase a praz…” …..da ……dupa lunga perioada a regimului comunist un
roman ajunsese acolo! primul lucru din mintea mea a fost:"ce mi-as dori si eu sa
pot face asta dar nu o sa ajung niciodata!”- oare de ce gandeam asa? Oare asa
invatasem de la cei din jur? De unde stiam eu ca nu o sa ajung niciodata acolo?
Oare nu ma limitam singura?
Da e adevarat…(dupa a doua incercare …dar am ajuns). Ei bine dupa 10 ani am
Oare de ce gandeam asa? De ce credeam ca nu o sa ajung niciodata? Oare ce se
intampla daca incetam sa visez si ma lasam coplesita de primul gand si de cei
din jur care spuneau ca e greu, ca e periculos, etc? Oare atunci eram imatura
cand imi limitam singura visele si ma lasam influentata de normalitatea altora
sau acum cand visez si chiar cred in visele mele si am curajul sa cred ca se vor
La fel s-a intamplat si cu celallt vis al meu:….prin scoala generala imi doream
foarte mult sa sar cu parasuta…, m-am interest…hmmm destul de complicat pt mine
la momentul acela …..timpul a trecut si am incetat sa mai visez la acest lucru
dar.…. dupa aproape 15 ani soarta mi-a dat ocazia sa fac acest lucru…iar acum…sunt
cel mai fericit om din lume…oare daca ma maturizam si refuzam sa mai sar
deoarece … aproape 30 de ani esti matur...(cum sa te arunci din avioane
numai de dragul de a te arunca?)…….
Oare daca gndeam “matur” (in viziunea unora…) mai aveam parte de aceste
Oameni buni! Nu va mai mintiti singuri! Daca aveti deja o anumita varsta asta
nu inseamna ca nu trebuie sa mai visati….asta nu inseamna ca trebuie sa
renuntati la visele voastre doar ca sa demonstrate ca sunteti maturi !
Daca nu vi se indeplinesc visele e doar din cauza ca nu va doriti cu adevarat….ca
nu faceti tot ce e posibil pt a ajunge acolo…; scuze se vor gasi intotdeauna….
Stiu ca suna dur…dar ganditi-va ce e mai bine pt voi, ce va doriti cu adevarat…si
tineti cont ca doar o viata aveam:) si e pacat sa ajungem la o anumita varsta si
sa regretam ca nu am facut una sau alta…
Hai sa nu ne mai mintim si sa gasim motive pt a nu ne indeplini visele….daca ne
dorim ceva cu adevarat…vom obtine - depinde numai de noi!
Acum pentru a intari cele spuse mai sus o sa va arat cat de mult mi-a adus un
vis implinit…un vis la care renuntasem la un anumit moment dat…si pt ca sunt
foarte norocoasa am realizat ce era sa pierd din simplul motiv ca renuntasem la
un vis de copil!
Da…nu o sa va vina sa credeti….un vis de copil…devenit realitate m-a facut sa ma
simt mai implinita ca oricand…mi-a dat ocazia sa incerc sentimente pe care nimic
altceva in 28 de ani nu mi le-a oferit…
Totul a inceput cu primul salt:
O sa va intrebati cum poate un salt sa iti schimbe viata?
Cum a decurs primul salt si ce sentimente am avut?Primul salt – un salt in
1.Nerabdare ….niciodata nu am fost atat de nerabdatoare……va dati seama…..asteptam
acest lucru de 15 ani….
2. Frica? Deloc…(oare nerabdarea era prea mare pt a simti frica
Primul pas: Pregatire pt salt: pui hamul, ti se explica ce si cum…dar eu nu
puteam da importanta la nimic …asteptam saltul….acel salt mult asteptat…
Sunt in
avionului si….deodata sunt jos acesta a fost primul salt…dupa care a inceput
totul…a doua saptamana cine era la aerodrom???eu!…al doilea salt…dupa care al
treilea salt !….; ajung jos: da, clar! Asta inseamna sa traiesti, sa visezi sa
iti indeplinesti un vis!… da….m-am indragostit…. ….nu o sa va vina sa credeti…..2
ore….sau poate chiar mai mult am am avut un zambet imens pe fata …un zambet pe
care nimeni si nimic nu putea sa mi-l stearga, eram cu adevarat fericita –
acesta a fost primul sentiment pe care nu il mai incercasem niciodata pana

Incep cursul deoarece vreau brevet:
Da….aici apare un alt sentiment, nici nu stiu daca e un sentiment sau mai multe....
O frica coplesitoare combinata cu o liniste fireasca ….(da stiu…asa ceva nu
exista!)…..cred ca asta as fi zis si eu inainte sa simt acest lucru: e un
sentiment tare ciudat…eram f linsitita deoarece facusem acel lucru de 3 ori si
totul era ok.....dar…totusi imi era foarte frica…foarte frica….
hmmm…da …eram linsitita si in acelasi timp muream de frica …..dar cel mai
frumos a fost cand am reusit sa trec peste frica si……iar cadere libera,
libertate zbor….da…vreau iar si iar….
Urmeaza primul salt AFF (orecum singura: pe timpul
caderii asistata de 2 instructori dup acre singurica…)…..dap...…alt sentimen nou
, fericire, frica, liniste, emotii…nici nu stiu…ce simteam........
Imi pun parasuta in spate…., ma agit, intreb pe toata lumea ce trebuie sa fac…fac
execitii pt gasirea comenzii .....
Sunt nelinistita.....da!clar!.. am o senzatie de neliniste............sau sunt
linistita? Nici eu nu stiu….sunt linistita deoarece am mai facut lucrul
asta,stiu ce inseamna, stiu ce va cei mai buni oameni din
alaturi de mine dar parca totusi ceva ma nelinistete…
Plec spre avion…hmm…da…imi vine sa plang dar nu stiu de ce! Imi este frica? Am
emotii sau imi vine sa plang deoarece este prima data cand voi sari cu parasuta
mea in spate??
Da iar este un amalgam de sentimente si intrebari................
Imi este frica, am emotii dar in acelasi timp sunt cel mai fericit om !!!!.Cu
ajutorul intructorilor si a celorlati parasutisti din avion reusesc sa ma
linistesc…la 3000 de m
respir adanc si…....toate acele sentimente: neliniste, frica, emotii....toate
dispar…si se transforma intr-un alt sentiment nou - impacare cu mine insumi… …si
uite cate sentimente regasesc la un loc….intr-un timp atat de scurt! Sar…......!ceva
nu iese bine….da… e in regula….. sunt dezamagita..
Ajung jos…sunt foarte dezamagita ca nu a iesit totul cum vroiam dar in acelasi
timp sunt multumita si ...........iar sentimente confuze…....
Si cam asa am inceput eu sa am parte de sentimente pe care nu le-am mai intalnit
sub aceasta forma si cu aceasta intensitate niciodata…..
Acum sunt cu adevrata indragostia de cer, de salturi, de zbor,,de tot!!!
Oare daca ma maturizam renuntand la aceste vise de copil as mai fi fost vreodata
asa de fericita? As mai fi avut vreodata parte de aceste sentimente?Oare e cazul
sa renunt la visele mele acum? Oare vreau sa demonstrez ca sunt matura?
Nu cred….vreau sa raman copil, vreau sa am vise si e ceea ce imi doresc si mi
mult e sa lupt pentru ele…e ceea ce ma face fericita viata…e totul! Totul este
sa iti urmezi visul…si sa faci ceea ce te face sa te simti implinit…
Daca te implineste o famile! Fa o familie! Daca iti doresti o multime de copii !
Fa-I !
daca iti doresti o rulota in loc de casa…nu inseamna ca esti un ratat ….urmeaza-ti
visul…fa ceea ce iti doresti! Lupta pt visul tau…traieste viata asa cum crezi si
simti tu!!.....Asta inseamna sa traiesti! sa poti zambi oricand si s fi
multumit de ceea ce faci sau ce visezi sa faci! |