Motorcycle races to teach kids about business and technology at the Lamoine
Ramblers Motorcycle Club
 From left to right: Josh Robinson, Catlin Homer, Eric Homer,
Barchetta Homer, Stephanie Timbs, Tabby .
We are very lucky to be able to use the Lamoine Ramblers Motorcycle
Club as a place to work with these kids. Here, Steff is saying on the
microphone, "Ladies
and Gentlemen, will you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain
standing for our National Anthem.
Education isn't just being able to read and write or how many books
you have read, it's also an accumulation of all of the things that you have done
in your life and
the experiences that you have gained. It's fortunate that I'm the
announcer and that the club allows the kids to do the Pledge and National Anthem
before the races.
This group of kids is learning to overcome their shyness and gain
valuable public speaking experience. They have their pictures here
on this web page giving them the opportunity to show their friends what
they have done spreading these experiences to others who were not able
to attend. Click on the right arrow below
to continue with this exhibit section. |