the EAA Chapter 350 & IAC Chapter 61 Newsletters to Teach Your Kids
about Airplanes And Business
 Stephanie puts the stamps on the newsletters
Stephanie Timbs has also worked in and observed the different operations
of putting the newsletter together. One of the newsletters that we
put together was about where our chapter members lived. This issue
included a map with a dot where the members homes were. Among the
many members who were mostly from the Midwest, we also had members who
lived as far as Hawaii and as Wolgast Germany. Parts of the newsletter
had pictures that were sent to us from Gordon Phillips in Wolgast.
He sent us photos of Peemenede Island where his house was located.
During World War Two, Peemenede Island was where Warner Von Braun
built, tested and launched the V-2 missile. Pictures on the internet
showed bomb craters which covered the island.
Steff learned about making a newsletter, geography and world history
all combined in an activity that stirred more interest than watching sitcoms
on TV. Was this time well spent? Did Steff learn more
making a newsletter than by watching TV?
You bet she learned more than watching TV, and that's Y-I-BET on
the Youth of America. Because using these methods and combining different
programs like the Big Brothers program and the EAA Chapters Young Eagle
Program and other similar programs with an organized training system, we
can provide educational activities with a progressive theme greatly increasing
our kids chances of becoming a productive professional with a highly technical
background. |