World Famous People and their Stories.
Click Here for Wright
Brothers Stuffbooks,
videos, models
These brothers started
the Modern Age. There invention created a whole new world. These two men
are famous people.
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York (1941)
Gary Cooper plays Alvin York, the real-life
country lad and sharpshooter drafted to fight during World War I but blocked
from killing by his pacifist sentiments. Howard Hawks makes
a rousing, heroic film out of the tale, and Cooper gives one of his best
performances (for which he won an Oscar). The 1941 feature seems
as much a valentine to wartime America (and a not-so-subtle piece of propaganda)
as anything, with Hawks capturing splendidly shot scenes of life in York's
home state of Tennessee, which in turn provide a striking contrast to the
battlefield. A key scene in the film, in which York is presented with an
argument in favor of killing in war, is still thought provoking. Famous People.
Sergeant York and WW1 books and movies here. |
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0009652ALT="B-17 1/144 Die Cast Model" HSPACE=10 VSPACE=10 BORDER=2 height=150 width=258 align=LEFT> |
Memphis Belle
Click Here for the
Memphis Belle Page |
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0002259ALT="The Red Baron and his Fokker Triplane" HSPACE=10 VSPACE=2 BORDER=2 height=302 width=250>
of Baron Manfred von Richthofen Stuff Here.
Trace the legend from its beginning
to the last patrol. This photographic biography presents the picture of
the total man, at ease with his fellows, in combat garb ready to
fly and fight. His victories and victims. 160 pgs., 220 photos, 8½"x
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Story of G.I. Joe (1991)
The United States, in the summer of
1941, was happy to watch the great Joe DiMaggio extend his legendary hitting
streak, but newsreel footage of armies on the march overseas cast
a pall over the summer's giddiness. By the end of the year, Pearl Harbor
had been attacked and America was at war, and millions of ordinary citizens
were about to learn that they were expected to accomplish great things.
This video presents a nostalgic look at how Americans of both genders
suddenly pitched in for the war effort. Millions of men became GIs
(slang for "government issue"), learning to fight and survive in places
that a year before had been totally unknown. Archival films show
both the extraordinary and mundane aspects of serving Uncle Sam, and while
the footage of amphibious invasions and aerial combat is dramatic,
perhaps the most interesting parts of this video are the segments showing
what day-to-day life was like serving in the World War II military. There
are scenes of basic training, and footage showing the cramped quarters
found on troop ships and in hastily constructed barracks. The viewer
will learn about (or will be reminded of) such things as "V-Mail" and the
ration stamps those living stateside had to use during the war. The
video concludes with an address by Dwight Eisenhower, filmed some years
after the war, in which he pays tribute to the young men and women who
served the U.S. during World War II. This video provides a realistic look
at what it was like to serve, and makes a good adjunct to Tom Brokaw's
The Greatest Generation. --Robert J. McNamara.
the GI Joe Section |
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00V8304 Hoover
About Bob Hoover
Youve seen his performances, now fly
with him as he performs his unbelievable routines in the Mustang,
F-86, T-28, Strike Commander and Sabreliner. A close-up look at the
life of a man that all the aviation community admires. 98 min. Hoover is one of
the Famous People.
Webmasters Note:
A little bragging, I actually shook hands with Bob Hoover. He stopped
talking to another man just to reach out and shake my hand. This
was one of the most honorable gestures that he could have done. C.
Jeff Dyrek
Tuskegee Airmen History |
Here for More Tuskegee Airman History |
00V8613358 width=200>
00V8613 Jim
Doolittle: King of the Sky
Jimmy Doolittle did more to advance
aviation than anyone since the Wright Brothers. With a PhD in engineering
from MIT, he was a daring test pilot who often risked his life to
help develop more reliable equipment. And his experiments with blind flying
helped bring about the age of dependable commercial aviation. But it was
in warfare that he really made his name. From the legendary "Doolittle
Raid" to his work with the European 8th Air Force, we'll see his
enormous contribution to the winning of WWII. Includes both archival footage
and interviews with those who knew him. 50 min.