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Why do Politicians Misuse Your Taxpayer Dollar? They are Public Servants Working for You, NOT ROYALTYClick Here, and listen to this man, Brother Stair, and you will learn where we are heading. |
at the bottom of this page |
![]() Should we burn this flag and everything that it has stood for. We have fought for our country and we want it to be a good country. We gave our lives to keep it free and will fight any enemy that tries to take our freedom away. Our oath is to fight all enemies both foreign and domestic but did you watch TV today. We think all of these programs are funny and we are told that they are a freedom of speech, but when kids cartoons are making statements like, "We need a massive all girl sex orgy, we're all turning gay," it is obvious that we are under attack from within. Read more in the article and then read the articles below. Please note that the letters here are the freedom of speech from our readers. They may, or may not, be accurate and are not necessarily the opinions of the webmaster. However, some articles are written by the webmaster. C. Jeff Dyrek,
Webmaster, Disabled Veteran.
What is The Amero Dollar The New Money for North America, Read this article then watch the 8 minute video. You will fall over on this one. |
EXHIBITS 34th Fighter Squadron Exhibit.
Willow Run, Aerial Photos of Ie Shima World War 2 and Today. Y-I-BET on the Youth of America. One More Mission, by Jesse Pettey. Inside the P-51 Mustang, Maintenance Manual. Vincent Dauro, P-47 Fighter Pilot in World War 2. Famous People Books, Videos and other information and goodies. Airplane Museums in the United States. Click here for the Main Exhibit Index. Veterans Groups and Websites. Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Yahoo's list of Veterans Groups Listen to this man speaking the truth
IRS Attacks Against the Disabled, and IRS Attacks Against You. The IRS will stop at nothing to cause you anxiety, stress, legal problems and financial problems. If you have IRS Problems, You need to visit this page. |
Is our Government being taken over from within. Are you planning for retirement. If you are, What Flag will be flying over Your Capital | |
Is the American Dollar being Divided? Read this article how our dollar is being taken over and our country is divided right under our nose, and we don't even see it. | |
Roy Carlson
Inspirational Achiever Speaks about the Nazi underworld in America in WW2. You will be shocked about how our country was being attacked, from within, in WW2 and it is still under attack today. This is a very interesting article. |
The Kitchen Table Gang
A group that helps improve the life of veterans in the VA hospitals.
They have a real nice program that sends magazines, books, cards and more
to the veterans at your nearest VA hospital with your name on the package.
A great link
page for Veterans from the Kitchen Table Gang.
Click Here's a letter for you from my brother:
James Seth Dyrek Dyrek Vets that have no rights. Who cares about Joe Dyrek WW II and John, James, Jack, Jerry, and Jeffery, Viet Nam Era Vets. Six Dyrek's that served their country. I care, Sergeant First Class James S. Dyrek, Vietnam Vet said. "While I was in Vietnam in the years of 1965 thru 1968, with all the other Vietnam Vet's, the rest of the country was either having a good time or protesting something and some of them made millions in the process. I ask, what are my rights after 25 continuous years of Service? For Gods sake! I couldn't even get a very bad tooth pulled at a Military Base. Thank you Mr. Government for leaving me on the curb of a street holding my Jaw. SFC James S. Dyrek, disappointed." |
Videos at YellowAirplane.com |
Watch these free videos from the American Veterans Network. Read this letter from Jeff Dyrek, Disabled Veteran, Freedom of Speech and Fair Elections. What is a REAL DEMOCRACY? Watch this Korea War Video, click here Why did 33,741 U.S. Soldiers die. Was it so a single atheist and a Supreme Court Judge could remove the cross above their memorial in San Diego. Now these soldiers are being treated like DIRT. The removal of the cross above their memorial is saying to the world that their lives didn't matter. Their families are left with nothing but dead family members. But, guess what? The Judge is also saying to all American Servicemen that your lives don't matter, that freedom of speech and freedom of religion and the Constitution of the United States is only good when it suits him. This leaves me extremely depressed because this courts decision is also saying that America is no longer America, it has been taken over by the people in the government that won't even let all presidential candidates even come to the debates making our elections unfair and illegal. C. Jeff Dyrek. Watch this free video, America Responds. Yes American has a tremendous military might and we will respond to any enemy attack from anywhere except our own domestic enemies. This is true, America has been under a continuous attack from the money makers of the media. They are attacking us with psychological warfare. Our kids are under attack from filthy cartoons, from filthy sex supplement ads, from extremely violent video games and movies, all I can say is why is sex and violence the way of America. Wouldn't the enemy use these psychological warfare methods to destroy our families and our homeland security from within. Yes they would, and the attacks are now coming from within. C. Jeff Dyrek Watch these following Videos.
Shock and Awe Video |
on the Youth of America
Click above to see what your
kids are learning now at YellowAirplane.com..
other links
Viet Nam
Veterans Page
Click Here to find out how.
Watch This TV Program to hear the latest on where our country is going.
Look at these exhibits and tell me what these men really fought for.
the 34th fighter Squadron
USS Kitty Hawk
About the Webmaster, Why God Send Me to the North Pole
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