By September 17th 1944 John Story
Was Flying into battle over Germany in the B-17 Flying Fortress
named, "The Powerful Poodle." This is the first of his letters
back to his home, in those days of the war dated Friday 10-6-1944
England. Dear Mama & Daddy,
Received the "Package" today containing Ins, S. lotion, skin bracer.
Sure am glad to get it. Received 2 9/23 9/26 mail from my
mama! 9/18 from my dad and 4 from Doris.
Glad to get C.U's letter daddy but you didn't send his address
so will have to wait till he writes before I can.
Just return from pass. Visited London again. Ate
Chinese at swanky restaurant & French meal at a French restaurant.
Liked the Chinese food best than the French. 2 more passes
close together so guess it will be some time before my next one.
Skipper is sitting on my bunk with me reading letters from his
wife & Mother. He is so anxious to hear that he is a "Pap."
Told him that my mama was always asking if Poodle had her baby
yet! He's hoping it will be a boy.
We are getting World Series Game direct over loud speaker now.
It sure sounds good. Miss milk shakes, hamburgers & hot dogs
over here besides lots of other things.
Everyday I'm thankful to be an American. Would hate to
live over here.
Would like to see the roof on the house & know it helps the
looks of "Home".
Had couple cokes at Red Cross in London. My they tasted
good. Went to some movies. Saw - "Double Indemnity" &
"Song of Bernadette". Both were good, especially "Song
of Bernadette" British are crazy about American Movies.
Good nite,
Lots & Lots of Love,
John, Jr.
Don't forget & Send Doris's Picture.

B00008LDO71789390957B00008LDO7">The Song of Bernadettee/irB00008LDO7
x=13&ref%5F=nb%5Fss%5Fd&y=21&field-keywords=William%20Eythe&url=search-alias%3Daps1789390957">William Eythe Charles Bickford Vincent
Henry King
The story of a peasant girl Bernadette
Soubirous, a poverty-stricken, pure hearted adolescent, who
saw a vision, of a "Beautiful Lady" near her home town of
Lourdes in 1858. The wondrous news spreads rapidly
throughout France, leaving in its wake a variety of
consequences: adoration, suspicion and greed among the
people of Lourdes skepticism from the town doctor (Lee J.
Cobb) charges of insanity from the town prosecutor (Vincent
) threats of physical punishment, then support and
guidance from the Dean of Lourdes (Charles Bickford), who
finally becomes convinced that the miracle has, indeed,
taken place. Winner of four Academy Awards, including Best
Actress and Best Score, this true story is both first-rate
filmmaking and an inspiring tribute to faith, courage and
the human spirit. |

Double Indemnitye/ir6305077517
search-alias=dvd&field-keywords=Fred%20MacMurray1789390957">Fred MacMurray
Barbara Stanwyck
Billy Wilder
Director Billy Wilder (Sunset
Boulevard) and writer Raymond Chandler (The Big Sleep)
adapted James M. Cain's hard-boiled novel into this wildly
thrilling story of insurance man Walter Neff (Fred MacMurray),
who schemes the perfect murder with the beautiful dame
Phyllis Dietrichson (Barbara Stanwyck): kill Dietrichson's
husband and make off with the insurance money. But, of
course, in these plots things never quite go as planned, and
Barton Keyes (Edward G. Robinson) is the wily insurance
investigator who must sort things out. From the opening
scene you know Neff is doomed, as the story is told in
flashback; yet, to the film's credit, this doesn't diminish
any of the tension of the movie. This early film noir flick
is wonderfully campy by today's standards, and the dialogue
is snappy ("I thought you were smarter than the rest,
Walter. But I was wrong. You're not smarter, just a little
taller"), filled with lots of "dame"s and "baby"s. Stanwyck
is the ultimate femme fatale, and MacMurray, despite a
career largely defined by roles as a softy (notably in the
TV series My Three Sons and the movie The Shaggy
Dog), is convincingly cast against type as the hapless,
love-struck sap. --Jenny Brown |