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American Beautyberry, French Mulberry, Callicarpa americana. When you rub the leaves on you, they act like an insect repellant, said to be more effective than DEET, can be used to place under your bedroll to keep insects off of where you sleep. The berries make a great jelly. Ilex glabra, Gallberry, commonly a landscaping shrub. Leaves make excellent tea after they have been slow roasted at about 170 degrees, berries ARE NOT EDIBLE. Serenoa repens, Saw Palmetto, tips of leaves are edible, berries are edible. Coccoloba, Seagrape, a native and landscape plant. Araucaria araucana, Monkey Puzzle Tree, lives in mild temperate, wet climates. The nuts are edible when they drop on the ground. Typically from South America, it can also be found in Australia, also in parts of the United States. Vitis species, muscadines and cultivars, edible grapes and leaves world wide. Grapes. Nageia nagi, Nagi Tree, which was once a common landscaping tree. Blue seeds that ARE NOT EDIBLE, but the seeds have edible oil. Young leaves are also edible. They do not look like it, but they are in the pine family. Scripus species, Bulrush, found world wide. Roots contain a lot of sugar and starch. At the top of the Bullrush plant, there is often a small worm living in the tassels that fish love. Sagittaria species, Duck Potatoes, found in North America and East Asia. The potatoes are found around the center of the plant. Centella erecta / asiatica, Asian Pennywort, naturalized plants found world wide. Similar to the pennywort. part of the carrot family, cooked the same as a pennywort. Pontederia cordata, Pickerel Weed, found throughout the Americas. Seeds edible raw or cooked, Young leaves are edible. Also the same worm that grows toward the top of the Bullrush stem, also grows in the Pickerel Weed too. Nuphar Lutea, Yellow Pond Lily, Grows in temperate, subtropical areas of the world. Young, bronze colored leaves, still under the water, are edible. Adult leaves can be used to wrap and cook food in. When their yellow blossoms come out, their petals can be used to make a tea. The seeds are also edible but may be bitter. The Indians used to let the seeds soak and rot in some water for several weeks, then the seeds would lose their bitter flavor. Then the seeds were dried and ground for a wide variety of uses. Listen to Green Deane at
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Survival Books, Videos, Equipment, Survival Store
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How about a little Skydiving on the North Pole
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