Articles about American Veterans and Concerns about our Country

Psychological Warfare Against the Untied States

  Click Here, and listen to this man, Brother Stair, and you will learn where we are heading.
Write me a letter 
at the bottom of this page


How Psychological Warfare is being used to Attack Americans right here in the United States We have a War Against our Citizens, and our Soldiers are overseas.



A letter that I wrote to Headline News, HLN.  30 March 2010

About Bullies. I'm 55 years old. Bullying should not be a criminal offense. The kids now are becoming more violent because of what they are seeing on TV. Look at the channel guide, it's filled with violence, prison programs, cartoons where the characters say they hate their mom's or they want to kill their mom's. Porn is being pushed on every part of the channel guide showing our kids that it is a part of life to be super sexual, while at the same time, the news continuously talks about sexual misconduct. Our kids role models are increasingly becoming more and more violent, hateful, foul mouth and perverted in every way, just look at any celebrity website. If this media attack on our kids is not considered an attack on the United States, then we don't know what an attack really is.
About Bullies. What do we do? We need stop the problem at the source, the constant negative, regenerative, feedback that is being pushed on our kids under the guise of freedom of speech. Freedom of Speech also involves responsibility in speech, and we are not, as a country, thinking of any of the consequences of what our TV and music are doing to our kids.
Is this comment positive or negative. I am positive that this negative feedback on our nations families is not good for our country or our future. Making a law against bullying will do nothing more than to ruin many more kids lives because of criminal records that are now lingering from what kids are reenacting from what they see on TV.
C. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster

 Should we burn this flag and everything that it has stood for.
Well, we are. 
Or just ask Bill Clinton what kind of Morals our country should have and why our men have died protecting our flag.
Where is our Money Going in America?
What is consuming our American Money, Why is our Dollar Worth Less and heading to Worthless.
Red Friday, a way to use Psychological Warfare principles to benefit our country
The New American Dollar, In God We Trust.
Read about the New American Dollar, and how we have wiped the idea of moral stability our of our nation.
What did Colin Powell say about American Veterans in Foreign Wars?
Don't be shocked by this, be worried, it's the truth about American Veterans.
A Speech to the American Legion by Harry S. Truman.
What did Harry S. Truman say about American Citizens standing up against the government.
How is the United States and the entire world being Attacked by Psychological Warfare Terrorist
This article tells you the truth about the attack of he United States and the whole World.  It's happening.
The New RFID chip will soon be in Everyone and Everything

You must read this article, it may be the most important article ever written talking about your future.

What's Happening to our World, What's Next   

What is the Future of the World and the Future of our Country,  Do we have a real democracy.  Is there psychological warfare and terrorism right in our country Now?  read this article. 9-22-2008

911, Terrorism, Wars, Wars, and More Wars,
When is it going to End.

What are we doing, are we stopping terrorism or making the rich richer.  Are we stopping terrorism or making more people hate us.  Are stopping terrorism or are we destroying the planet.  Read this article and watch the short video.  9-11-2008

Safe City Concept in China for the Olympics

Read about China's All-Seeing Eye, Big Brother is Watching and Regenerative Feedback is Making big bucks for Lawyers and Surveillance Companies.

Causes of Social Pollution Problems

Are we under an attack through psychological warfare and social pollution.  Social Pollution is real and Social Pollution is programming our lives to fail.  You don't believe me.  Take a look at TV, but don't quote a cartoon to a little kid, you can go to jail.  Read this article about Social Pollution.

Boys Arrested for Making Drawings.  Who's the real Terrorist?  

What is the true cause for these kids to be arrested and suspended from school for making drawings of guns in school.

Pacifist, Patriot, or Pilgrim from Jack Hook

The memories of Vietnam and the great men I served with in the Army back in the 60's are always with me.

Henry Wolf in Viet Nam

I was stationed in Dalat-Camly, about 90 kilometers west of Cam Ranh Bay Viet Nam, and we were bivouacked in an old French three story walk-up hotel in downtown Dalat, some 13k from the airfield where we worked.

Roy Carlson Inspirational Achiever

Speaks about the Nazi underworld in America in WW2.  You will be shocked about how our country was being attacked, from within, in WW2 and it is still under attack today.  This is a very interesting article.

Is the American Dollar being Divided?  Read this article how our dollar is being taken over and our country is divided right under our nose, and we don't even see it.
Is our Government being taken over from within.  Are you planning for retirement. 
 If you are, What Flag will be flying over Your Capital
Moms and Dads, Who do your kids look up to. The top 100 Stars? If you think the celebrities are someone to look up to, think again. These should be listed as the top 100 Domestic Enemies.
John Roy Carlson
How the Nazi's are attacking America from Within.
We are All Americans
Conservative Republicans and Democrats.
She doesn't care.  A letter from a housewife in New Jersey. 
She doesn't care, but I do care.
Paris Hilton DUI, Where is our country heading and what are your kids really
looking at?  What are our soldiers fighting really fighting for.
Freedom of Speech, America's Biggest Lie.
What is the History Channel really teaching our citizens, do they have an agenda in the
 background.  A letter from the Senior Account Executive from the History Channel.
The Webmasters Story. 
A true story about the webmaster and what positive thinking, in the midst of great adversity, pain and disability, can do for your life.
A letter from a Concerned Veteran.
A letter about the return of our MIA's from Laos.
What makes a Great Country a Great Country?
The Wrong Army or is it The Wrong War. 
Read this article then look at the tremendous link from Mary Jones
Babylon the Great is Falling, a webpage from a Viet Nam Vet.
What's happening to our country, are being eaten up from within, do we have
 domestic enemies that are winning, is our government a legal government?
  Read this and think before you contact me.
Are we Grateful or Disappointed?   This page can change the way you look at live.
Push.  Is life getting you down?  Does everything seem to be going bad?
Republicans, Democrats and Socialists.
The World Trade Center Bombing.
the Bill of No Rights.
What about President George Bush  by Gerald Bratcher.
The Kitchen Table Gang.  A veterans group working to make VA hospital stays more pleasant.
A conversation between Senator Metzenbaum to Senator Glenn  very interesting.
A message from a parent at Columbine High School.
What are the TV networks teaching your kids,  this is shocking.
Gulf War Veterans
Are we treating our veterans right?  Are we giving our money to the Russians and allowing our vets to go bankrupt?
Gun Control in Australia The government took away all of the guns, is gun control working for them? 
A new senate bill threatens gun ownership  are only the rich going to be allowed to own guns?
Religious Freedom, do you have it?  A condo owners group has voted that the church meetings, held for eleven years, cannot meet anymore then they locked the doors.
Social Pollution
Just like air pollution, our countries mental attitude can be polluted also.  The ACLU wants us to fail.
They had the odds stacked against them (Veterans)
They fought with their lives for our freedom and we are ready to give it all away.
Y-I-BETOn the Youth of America   Here's what we are doing at YellowAirplane to help save our kids and our country.
Definitions you need to know.
I should have saved some of the letters that I have received from this article.  By just writing down the definitions, right out of the dictionary, I had some sleazy people really upset.  It's amazing how people think that they are the best people in the world, yet they will fill their letters with incredibly filthy words.  These words come right out of their innermost self.  This shows that the definitions listed are really true and people don't like to hear the truth.
Links to Veterans Information Pages on other sites.
The Kitchen Table Gang      A group that helps improve the life of veterans in the VA hospitals.  They have a real nice program that sends magazines, books, cards and more to the veterans at your nearest VA hospital with your name on the package.

A great link page for Veterans    from the Kitchen Table Gang. 
The American Legion. 
The American Veterans Network.

Click Here's a letter for you from my brother: James Seth Dyrek

Dyrek Vets that have no rights.

Who cares about Joe Dyrek WW II and John, James, Jack, Jerry, and Jeffery,  Viet Nam Era Vets. Six Dyrek's that served their country.   I care, Sergeant First Class James S. Dyrek, Vietnam Vet said.  "While I was in Vietnam in the years of 1965 thru 1968,  with all the other Vietnam Vet's,  the rest of the country was either having a good time or protesting something and some of them made millions in the process.  I ask, what are my rights after 25 continuous years of  Service? For Gods sake!  I couldn't even get a very bad tooth pulled at a Military Base. Thank you Mr. Government for leaving me on the curb of a street holding my Jaw. SFC James S. Dyrek, disappointed."

Videos at

Salute to our military from the North Pole, Colonel Phil Steeves


  The Rapture Forum



Today I went to Wal-Mart in Peoria.  I always wear my USS Kitty Hawk Hat.  I was standing in the Sub Way Shop and a young lady came up to me and gave me a small slip of paper that was folded up and said, "This is for you."  I was thinking what is this all about, this is very strange.  When I opened the note here's what it said.

I just wanted to thank you for your service to our country, Forever Grateful, Amiee.

Thank you very much Amiee.  You have made my day.  I'm a disabled vet and have been going through some real bad times and you picked up my whole day.  Thank you again, C. Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster.

P.S.  I am sure that this note was not just for me, but for all service men and women who have worked so hard to keep our freedoms and to keep our country a favorite place to live.


on the Youth of America
Click above to see what your kids are learning now at

other links 
Viet Nam Veterans Page
Click Here to find out how.


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Watch This TV Program to hear the latest on where our country is going.

Look at these exhibits and tell me what these men really fought for.
the 34th fighter Squadron

USS Kitty Hawk

About the Webmaster, Why God Send Me to the North Pole