Does the Earth have a Brain and it is the earth alive?


  Does the Earth Have a Brain?  

Does the Earth have a brain would indicate that the Earth itself may be alive.

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  Take a trip to the Geographic North Pole and view Global Warming for Yourself, for real. 


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Does the Earth Have a Brain?


How do you like that Subject Title?  Does the Earth Have a Brain.  Where is the Earth's brain, did you ever think of that?  Does the Earth really have a brain, did you ever think of that?  We call it Mother Earth because it gives us life, but is the Earth Alive itself?

Take a close look at the trees as they reach, with all of their branches, high into the sky, well, their roots reach far into the ground as well.  All of the plants have roots that reach into the ground and many of the roots touch the roots of the other plants.  As you look down the long waterways, naturally there is a continuous connection of roots from as far north to as far south as you can go.  These roots act just like neurons, maybe, and can communicate all along the waterways, through forest their messages are being passed through one root network to the next.
OK, I'm back at the creek and I'm just laying down trying to stay out of the wind while I practice my survival techniques continue learning about nature.  The Red Wing Blackbirds just came back and they have their homes throughout the area.  There was one blackbird that was just above me, and no I wasn't a target, but he was calling out.  In the distance, I could hear the other blackbirds calling out the same message.  Then I noticed that the message originated with the bird above me and all of the other birds were relaying the message to other birds. 
So, if the birds are sending messages from one area to the other of warning, then what is the message that the trees are telling?

Like the birds relaying the message that a dangerous human is near the nesting areas, are the trees relaying messages that the destructive tree clearing machines are coming?  Please let me know your thoughts about this because I have always thought that the Earth, itself, is a living being and may possess some type of intelligence. 

But now, I am believing this more and more.  In most areas the top soil is dead.  Take a look at the farms, they are drained, alleviated of trees, plowed, disked, harrowed, planted with genetically altered seeds, sprayed with poison, sprayed with fertilizer, and then the plants are ripped apart while the ground is trampled by heavy machines as the plants are harvested.   There is no biodiversity in the farm land because of all of the natural habitat had been destroyed. 

With no natural habitat, the animals diminish, first in number, then in numbers of species.  When one species goes, other species suffer because they all relied on each other.  Then the next species dies and so on.

Think about what these species do, birds for example.  The birds migrate from north to south every year and some of them travel from hemisphere to hemisphere.  These bird migrations carry a variety of plants, seeds, insects, microbes as well as pollens and other reminders from the other home.  This carrying of these items ensures a bio stability between far away places which help prevent extremely drastic catastrophes, which are totally possible when separate bio areas meet for the first time.

The birds example would be a sort of genetic communication between geographically isolated regions.  Their songs too are a communication as well as the variety of variances of pollen that may be with them.  

Just as the human body communicates through a series of both an electrical and chemical conduit, the earth has many of these communication pathways also, most we may have never even thought of yet.

Just some thoughts by C. Jeff Dyrek.


  Look at these Global Warming links.

How Major Cities Should Fight Global warming.

Global Warming Basics

Denver Targets Global Warming US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement

Top 5 Cities Fighting Global Warming

Shanghai Daily, Cities Must Fight Global Warming


Read More about Global Warming and find out the Truth

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Curtis Lieber's South Pole Action Adventure

Who Went to the North Pole

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  Read More about Global Warming and find out the Truth

The background picture was taking by the Webmaster on the North Pole Expedition of 2003, of the sea ice while flying to the island of Spitsbergen, Norway in the Arctic Ocean.  I watched global warming happen in my nine years of North Pole Expedition evolvement.  It's real.

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Read More about Global Warming, find out the Truth

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Read the Webmasters Story, "Why God Sent Me to the North Pole." You will Be Surprised.

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19 April 2011







