Motorcycle Stories
Jeff Dyrek, Webmaster working on his Kawasaki Big Horn Dirt Bike.
The Toad was a 350 Bighorn which I bought as a spare dirt bike.
This bike had a rotary disc valve intake system and it was quite
This Kawasaki Dirt Bike was a 350 Big Horn that we called the Toad. My
friends gave it the
Nickname and it was the TOAD.
I Worked on the Toad and got it running pretty well. It
handled like a lumber wagon, however.
Another Picture of the Kawasaki, Toad, Dirt bike
One of the biggest problems with the handling, was that I was
reading about all
of the new bikes with a Leading Axle. This made the new bikes
handle so much better.
On the Toad, the front forks were designed to where you can adjust the
axle so that it
was leading, Lagging, or neutral with the centerline of the forks.
The big thing about the new bikes is that the triple tree was totally
Actually the leading axle wasn't the real advantage, but the leading axle
the front forks to have a longer travel without making the bike higher
off of the ground.
When I put the Toad's axle in the leading axle position, it lengthened
the wheelbase
and also made the axle swing a long way from left to right as the
steering was turned.
The Kawasaki
Stencil on the Back of the Toad's Seat
The reason that we called it the toad, was because of the obvious color
and the name
"Toad" was just a joke that stuck. The bike handled so bad that my
TM-125 would
Tear up the bike on the track, but the toad made some fantastic slides
and would
do some impressive wheelies, so it looked good, even though that it was
way in the back.
A Real
Toad Pilot, Look out Your Nation is Secure.
This isn't a picture of my friend, Dave, but my friend, Dave, finally
bought the Toad
My paint job was just a quickie, so Dave repainted it and spent hours and
hand rubbing the finish until it shined like a mirror.
He used Krylon paint instead
of the Lubritec paint because because I told him how shiny it came out
and that the paint worked fantastic.
The first
day that Dave took the bike for a ride, everyone went out to his house
to watch the event. Actually the bike was absolutely
beautiful when he got done.
The gas tank caps seal didn't seal so good so it leaked a little gas onto the
paint finish.
Dave took off through the field, driving parallel to the street.
When Dave took off, the bike took of very quickly as he ran through the
There was a huge cloud of dust flying up in the air follow him all the
When Dave came back, it was the same way, dust flew up in huge clouds.
Finally Dave made it back to us and stopped the bike. Everyone's
eyes instantly
turned to the paint job. The gas ran out of the leaky gas cap seal
and ran down the
tank eating the paint right off. It was a super mess. The
clear paint, over the lime green,
melted instantly as the gas hit the Krylon paint and the dust mixed and
stuck to the
paint making a muddy mess.
To this day,
I don't remember what happened to the Toad after that. I don't
remember Dave ever driving it again.
I bought the
bike from a guy named Scott B. Ruff, who gave me a pretty good deal, and
it came with an extra cylinder that was really ported to the max and a
head that was
milled to the max. We never put the extra cylinder on the bike, so
I never got to
feel what the bike could really do. But, that's the story of the
Kawasaki Bighorn, "The Toad".
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Bighorn motor Kawasaki ini disebut "The Toad" Gambar dan Funny
Story of Kawasaki Dirt Bike, The Toad. Ini adalah 350 Big Horn,
Esta motocicleta Kawasaki Bighorn fue llamado "El sapo" Imgenes
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